Organic Passion Flower


A superb herb for calming a hyperactive mind and helping to reduce stress.

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Passion flower has a long history for helping restlessness, anxiety, mood and agitation. Passion Flower may help you in the following ways:

  • Relax you before sleep
  • Anxiety or nervousness
  • Symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol, smoking, cannabis and opiates
  • Feel good


It is a superb herb for calming a hyper-active mind and helps to reduce stress. Passion flower has a long history for helping restlessness, anxiety, mood and agitation. Passion Flower may help you in the following ways:

  • Relax you before sleep
  • Anxiety or nervousness
  • Symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol, smoking, cannabis and opiates
  • Feel good

Passion flower, also known as Passiflora, is actually a group of hundreds of species of flowering plants. These can be vines or shrubs. Some of the species of Passiflora produce the fruit passionfruit, which can be a small purple fruit, or a large shiny orange-yellow fruit. Passiflora grows worldwide except for Antarctica and Africa.

Passion Flower Throughout History

For centuries, indigenous peoples in North America, Central America and South America have dried and used passion flower leaves as a medicine to treat anxiety. The dried leaves were either ingested as tea or smoked. European colonists adopted the use of passion flower leaves to calm the nerves. European physicians also historically prescribed passion flower for treating anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and gastro-intestinal problems stemming from nerves. Folk medicine has long considered passion flower a calming herb.

Clinical Studies of Passion Flower

In a 2001 study, two groups of patients were treated for generalized anxiety disorder, one group was given Oxazepam, a well known pharmaceutical; the other group was given passion flower extract. At the end of the trial, it was found that the passion flower extract performed as well as the Oxazepam. However, the Oxazepam had significantly more problems related to job performance impairment. Passion flower extract has been clinically found to be a reliable aid in treating tenseness, restlessness, and irritability. Many pharmacological investigations have confirmed its effects.

Disclaimer: Before using, people with existing health conditions and those taking prescription medications should consult with their health practitioner. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If undesirable symptoms persist, see your health practitioner.