Anna’s Wild Yam Cream


Enriched Anna’s Wild Yam Cream 100g

Traditionally used for the relief of menstrual discomfort and menopausal symptoms.

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Anna’s Wild Yam Cream is blended in Professional Manufacturing Laboratories approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration, and Anna’s Wild Yam Cream is Listed with the TGA.

How does Anna’s Wild Yam Cream work?

Over twenty years of experience and the feedback from many thousands of satisfied women, who have shared their successes on a wide range of feminine issues. While these testimonies may be ‘Anecdotal’ the cumulative results over many years are building into an impressive history of ‘Empirical evidence’. While there is no ‘scientific’ evidence that wild yam creams can transdermally deliver the benefits of their traditional herbal ingredients, there is simply no other explanation possible in light of the extensive results achieved.
Testimonies confirm our original understanding that Anna’s Wild Yam Cream was capable of much more than the false suggestion of just providing Oestrogenic benefits, it appears on the wide range of benefits that these women have experienced go beyond all of the Adrenal Cortex steroids.
The active ingredient of wild yam is Diosgenin, a Phyto Sterol which has many amazing health benefits derived from a natural bio-chemical lipid pathway which is activated by phyto sterol nutrients and aided by numerous enzymes, leading to the production of Ubiquinone, Dolichols, Squalene and Cholesterol. This pathway is known as the ‘Mevalonate Pathway’.


Ubiquinone is the genuine naturally produced form of Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is a powerhouse compound that’s in nearly every cell of our body. Its health benefits are many, primarily known for its value in maintaining our most important muscle the heart, it also converts nutrients into energy, and is sometimes described as the ‘sparkplug’ in each of our cells, is also an indispensible antioxidant. Ubiquinone also assists the immune system, digestive system, hearing, vision, nervous system, metabolism, respiratory system, and skin


Dolichols ‘The ‘Unknowns’: Very little is commonly known about Dolichols, and the highly important roles they play.
Dolichols are responsible for the processing of Proteins. Those magic particles so important to our function and destiny are synthesized within each of our cells.
It is within this microscopic structure that amino acids are linked together into popcorn string-like peptides. Some peptides will ultimately serve for cell identification, others produce insulin because our blood sugar is rising.
The final role depends on the protein structure – Just using proteins can give hundreds of options but the addition of these sugars to the protein strand gives tens of thousands of structural options.
It is this almost unlimited range of options that gives humans our tremendous range of behavioural and emotional reactions. This process too, is orchestrated by Dolichols in its preparation of the final protein structure.
The Dolichol-mediated process is also involved in neuropeptides formation; they are neuronal signalling molecules that influence the activity of the brain in specific ways and for cell communication, cell identification and immune functions.
This complex role is such that almost anything can be expected when Dolichols are deficient. Altered emotional and behavioural reactions are likely explained by altered neuropeptides formation.


Squalene is found throughout nature and is a major component of human skin surface lipids. Squalene accumulates at the greatest concentrations in the skin where it plays a vital role in quenching free radical oxygen, preventing oxidative damage from ultraviolet light. Squalene is also beneficial as an antioxidant, but its most unique feature is the presence of alkyglycerols – chemical compounds found in human bone marrow and breast milk, which help regenerate the immune system.
Regenerating the immune system is more than just stimulating it into action; the regenerative action means ongoing support to enhance the overall strength of the immune system long term.
We all appreciate the fact our immune system is our Natural Healer and we seek to boost it as often as possible, however being able to regenerate our immune system is even more desirable.
The activity of alkyglycerols in the body has been studied for decades, and their action is associated with increased production red and white blood cells; the white being the body’s main defence against disease and infection.
The dual benefit of increasing blood cells and regenerating the immune system are perhaps the reasons that Squalene seems to be so useful for so many people around the world for maintaining all-over health and wellbeing.
And finally at the end of the Mevalonate pathway where approximately 10% of Squalene is converted into cholestrol


Cholesterol is the precursor to all the adrenal cortex hormones commencing with Pregnenolone, thence DHEA, Progesterone, Testosterone, Oestrogens – in fact all of those hormones commonly referred to as our ‘Steroid Hormones’. Plus Glucocorticoids, which regulate blood sugar levels, and Mineralocorticoids, which regulate mineral balance.
Cholesterol is essential for Neurological function. Cholesterol is the main organic molecule in the brain, constituting over half the dry weight of the cerebral cortex.
Cholesterol plays a key role in the formation of Memory and the uptake of hormones in the brain, including Serotonin, the body’s feel-good chemical. When cholesterol levels drop too low, the serotonin receptors cannot work.
Cholesterol is used as an insulator around nerves; cholesterol promotes healthy nervous system function and helps to prevent diseases associated with the nervous system.
Cholesterol is the cells waterproofing medium. Without cholesterol we could not have a different biochemistry on the inside and the outside of the cell. When cholesterol levels are not adequate, the cell membrane becomes leaky or porous; a situation our immune system interprets as an emergency, releasing a flood of corticoid hormones that work by sequestering cholesterol from one part of the body and transporting it to areas where it is lacking.
Cholesterol is an Anti-Inflammatory and one of the body’s immune systems emergency repair substances; which explains its presence in arterial plaque. Scar tissue contains high levels of cholesterol.
Cholesterol is the precursor to Vitamin D, necessary for an ever expanding number of biochemical processes. As Dr. Cannel explains, Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin, but rather the only known substrate for a powerful repair and maintenance steroid hormone (known as Calciferol) that is involved in numerous helpful functions of your body and organs.
Additionally, if you understand that, like all steroid hormones, Calciferol regulates your body by turning your genes on or off, and that you have about 2,000 genes that are directly influenced by this hormone, then you may be able to wrap your mind around the fact that the hormone Calciferol may in fact have as many as 2,000 or more mechanisms of helpful actions within your body, with more being revealed regularly.
Cholesterol also creates the Bile Salts, required for the digestion of Fat. Those who suffer from low cholesterol often have trouble digesting fats. Cholesterol also functions as a powerful antioxidant, thus protecting us against cancer and ageing.
We trust you may now appreciate Cholesterols many healthy benefits! As can be verified in any scientific text on steroidal hormones, Cholesterol precursors Pregnenolone which initiates the complex multi pathways of the Adrenal Cortex Steroids, commonly referred to as the gender or reproductive steroids ‐ however their physiological role is far greater than just our reproductive functions with a broad spectrum of health benefits.
When we speak of ‘a feminine balance’, we are suggesting that even if your endocrine system is not entirely healthy, there is a reasonable possibility that Anna’s Wild Yam Cream may help you produce a healthy level of ALL your adrenal cortex steroids NATURALLY at the right time and in the right quantity for your healthy function. (See introduction to the ‘Feedback’ page, and ‘About Us’ page).
If you study the diagrammatic chart of the Steroids above, you will recognise the better known hormones, including Progesterone, Testosterone and the three components of Oestrogen, you may be surprised with the number of supporting elements that are necessary to achieve a natural healthy balanced steroid production.
When you view the chart it may be easier to understand if you can visualise your adrenal cortex, as your own highly complex onboard computerised production facility that produces the appropriate steroids on demand at anytime to meet your immediate emotional, physical and reproductive needs ‐ a remarkable feat by any measure.


We cannot make any claims that you may or will enjoy some or all of the benefits of the compounds created by the mevalonate pathway, however we can find no other explanation for the wide range of benefits reported to us by women using our cream, as recorded on our web ‘Feedback’ page and on Facebook.
THE MANY KNOWN BENEFITS OF NATURALLY BALANCED ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONES helps use fat for energy. Eliminates cyclic migraine. Restores normal vascular Tone. Improves mental focus and concentration. Normalizes blood clotting. Restores proper cell oxygen levels. Normalizes thyroid function. Minimizes female hair loss. Normalises menstrual cycles. Eliminates painful menstrual cramps. Prevents hot flushes and night sweats. Restores libido. Eliminates mood swings and panic attacks. Natural anti-depressants. Improves quality and texture of skin. Stimulates osteoblast bone building activity. Protects against fibrocystic breasts. Nourishes connective tissue aiding mobility. Maintains the endometrium. Helps prevent breast, endometrial cancer. Resolves endometriosis. Restores fertility, and are necessary for the survival of the embryo. Many of the above benefits are subtle, however when experienced in total they create a sense of wellbeing you may not have experienced in a long time.
We are confident that if you follow the appropriate protocols as outlined on our ‘User Guide’ page you may also enjoy the many broad spectrum benefits of Anna’s Wild Yam Cream.


  • Dioscorea Villosa (Mexican Wild Yam) 1:1 liquid extract (200mg/g)
  • Vitex Agnus-Castus (Chaste Tree) 1:2 liquid extract (15mg/g)
  • Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) inner leaf juice (50mcg/g)
  • Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E) (20mg/g)
  • Oil of Avocado and contains Ethanol, a natural herbal extract solvent
  • Natural Preservative containing a Proprietary combination of three essential oils.


100 Grams of premium quality ‘Enriched’ (High potency) Wild Yam Cream packed in glass jars, and vacuum sealed for your protection.


As there is no attempt to bleach any colouration of ingredients, the colour may vary from time to time and always represents the combination of the colours of the natural ingredients.


Anna’s Wild Yam Cream was first formulated and tested in the latter months of 1996, and launched in February of 1997. It was one of the first professionally blended wild yam creams on the Australian market.
Our specifications called for the use of the highest quality ingredients available, and our initial successful formula has not been altered since 1996.
NB – The original preservative was replaced by a natural preservative in February 2010.
Located in the country our overheads are lower and these savings have funded the premium quality ingredients used, allowing us to maintain an as affordable pricing structure as is possible,whilst our compliance costs remain high as Anna’s is Listed as a natural medicine with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
Because Anna’s contains hormone specific nutrients and no man made hormones, it is perfectly safe for you to use. If you decide to use a little more, e.g. you use the cream as a face cream or moisturiser, your body will naturally dispose of any nutrients it doesn’t require.