
Blushield U2 Ultra 5G


Blushield Premium Ultra: EMF Protection

Effective radius up to 90 metres in every direction (180 metre sphere) and is suitable for use in high 5G EMF environments.

Plugs included to suit every region.

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Premium Ultra

The U2 Ultra 5G model comes in a black alloy case that is wall mounted with 4 different plug types. The U2 Ultra 5G model protects an area up to 90 meters in every direction. The Premium Ultra model can be used to protect you wherever there is high-powered microwave radiation. This may be emitted from cell phone tower antenna masts (within 100-250m) or nearby smart meter grids. This is ideal for commercial office spaces, factories, and hospitals.

Recommended for use where high powered microwave radiation pervades the local vicinity.

In addition to Blushield’s revolutionary technology, the proprietary feature that makes Blushield products so effective is now enhanced in this new model.

Eighty percent of Blushield’s effectiveness is based on its technology’s adherence to specific natural laws. The new Ultimate U2  Ultra has Blushield’s proprietary formula enhanced. The Ultimate U2 Ultra model comes in a black alloy case that can be wall mounted or stood up. Protects an area up to 90 metres in every direction (180 metre sphere) it is deal for homes with wi-fi, cordless phones, mobile phones, with or in the same area as solar panels,  smart meters,  smart meter grids, substations, powerlines, transformers, in close proximity to the new small cell antennas or mobile phone antennas, and workplaces and hospitals, in fact, wherever there is the many different types of EMF, whether it be radio waves, high powered microwave radiation or ‘ dirty electricity’ (the unwanted and undesirable radio waves running along potentially all electrical wiring).

With the same technology, same diameter, same added feature and same proprietary formula as the Ultimate B1 Cube, the Ultimate U2 Ultra is twice the strength of the Ultimate U2 Cube. This product when on, will have a constant soft red light at the rear of the device.

WARNING: Some people may experience a minor detox while initially using this product, whilst most will not. This may be due to the release of stress on the body from EMF and also the immune system normalising. The Ultimate U2 Ultra model may seem strong at first for some people who suffer from EMI (Electro Magnetic Illness)  as due to the state of their individual health they may experience discomfort from detoxing.  Graduating the use of the product should assist, with for example, eight hours on and eight hours off, or less or more. You can contact us further on this to discuss.


  • Designed for living and working areas where a high level of microwave radiation exists
  • Coverage 90metres in every direction (180 metre sphere)
  • Wall mounted Black Alloy case with a low profile
  • Size 140mm x 40mm x 10mm
  • Weight 396g
  • Uses multiple scalar waveform outputs
  • Great for homes and offices where EMF is high to very high
  • Comes with 4 international plug types

D: 140mm x 100mm x 40mm  W: 390g

Please Note: The plug may not go all the way into the socket this is normal and will have no effect on the performance or function. Forcing the plug into the socket may cause damage. Forcing the plug causing damage to the socket is not covered under warranty.

We recommend purchasing the enhanced U1 Ultimate Portable model to carry when away from home or office to keep you in the coherent field to maintain a level of protection when away from your protected ‘bluzone’.

Information About Blushield Technology

Blushield stops the body responding to undesirable electromagnetic fields (EMF), as its coherent field overrides all ambient EMF fields. The body resonates with the fields from the Blushield device rather than from the many different artificial and harmful EMFs that now surround us constantly. The Blushield is a subtle energy device, mimicking nature but with much more power. The body absorbs and utilises these fields, negating the effects of hazardous EMF. Blushield technology is the catalyst that neutralises hazardous EMFs at the cellular level. With long-term use of the Blushield you will find the body becomes more resilient to EMFs. The benefits are cumulative and felt more over time, rather than immediately. The coherent field the Blushield emits is designed using natural laws and principles. All living things benefit from coherence.

The Blushield technology provides a scalar field comprised of a wide spectrum of natural frequencies which the body can easily utilise to reduce stress and maintain psychological and physiological balance when exposed to EMFs. Using Blushield, the body absorbs and utilises these natural frequencies from this intelligent ‘field’ of coherent information.

Blushield has been independently tested by a lab that verifies Blushield’s effectiveness using dark field microscopy and live blood analysis. Using the Blushield products one would expect a reduction or elimination of symptoms related to EMF exposure. This is reflected in your blood as healthier blood cells and a normalised immune system response.

DISCLAIMER: No medical claims or advice, promises of results, or anything insinuating a ‘treatment’ or ‘cure’ is being represented by the manufacturer.