Gift Subscription for Australia


Give a NEXUS Magazine hardcopy gift subscription for either one or two years (the magazine comes out every two months). This subscription is for addresses in Australia only. Please read the full description below for further info.

For the gift subscription to be successful, an email address for the recipient must be included.
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Earn up to 93 NEXUSPoints.


Hardcopy NEXUS Magazine is published every two months and the issues run as follows: Dec-Jan; Feb-Mar; Apr-May; Jun-Jul; Aug-Sep; and Oct-Nov.

This subscription is for addresses in Australia only. Please go here for other choices.

Select one year (six issues) or two years (12 issues), and start current or next issue.

Upgrading an existing subscription?

Please note: If the recipient already has a subscription, this subscription will automatically be added to their existing subscription, as long as you provide us with the email address associated with their account.