NEXUS vol. 32, no. 2 (February–March 2025)


February–March 2025 (hard copy)
(Cover date is March–April 2025 in US/Canada)

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Letters to the Editor
Readers comment on Pi and Phi in ancient Egyptian stone vases, change of seasons, Rex Gilroy’s time windows, book identification, the power of language and urine therapy.

Global News
We report on parallel universes, forced digital ID, the heart brain, electric fungi, dark energy, Moon’s origin, contaminated COVID-19 vaccines, ibogaine for traumatic brain injury, fraudulent healthcare, vaccine shedding, US control of journalism and more.

Klotho: The Key to Anti-Ageing and Disease
The enzyme Klotho is the single biomarker for longevity that people can be self-empowered to change, and with current evidence and ongoing research, it will be used to improve lifespans as well as diseases thought untreatable, reveals Greg Fredericks, ND, NMD.

Digital Mercenaries: A History of Spyware
Beginning with cypher machines, T.J. Coles goes back more than a century to expose key players in spyware development including Crypto AG, the CIA, Israel, PROMIS software and Robert Maxwell, as well as highlighting dangers of spyware and smartphones today.

The Dark Side of Music
Riccardo Tristano Tuis says good music is always good music, regardless of intonation, noting that decades of acoustic research conducted in order to exert emotional conditioning and potential manipulation of the mind is how music has become weaponised against the people.

The Enigma of Tartaria
Paul Stonehill looks at conflicting Western accounts of the location of the land known as Tartary/Tartaria by Western explorers from the 12th–19th centuries, and adds Russian knowledge of who lived there and the creatures found in this mysterious place.

Science News: Thought Waves and Electricity
This 1915 article from The Electrical Experimenter deals with theories by Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison and others for the potential of electricity to transfer thought waves, and includes some of their related experiments and experiences.

Immaculate Constellation: UAP Report to Congress
This report presented to US Congress discloses various unidentified anomalous phenomena, technologies of unknown origin and non-human intelligence and asserts that this information is of such incomparable relevance to the public good that it demands to be shared.

Erich von Däniken: ETs are Here
Rafael Videla Eissmann and Diego Antolini talk to Erich von Däniken about the creation of humankind, forbidden archaeology, the implications of “artificial intelligence”, his extraordinary extraterrestrial encounter, his message to future generations and more.

Strange Times: Mystery Drones
Tobias Wayland examines accounts of the thousands of mysterious “drones” being acknowledged across the USA and says there’s nothing particularly novel about these “new” encounters, sharing military and public reports through the years from as far back as 1963.



Nothing in this Book is True, But it’s Exactly How Things Are by Bob Frissell
Activating our 12-Stranded DNA by Ruslana Remennikova
Apparitions at the Moment of Death by Daniel Bourke
Soul Making by Douglas Gillette
The Psychedelic Mindmeld by Wade Richardson
Psychedelics and Mental Health by Irene de Caso
Alice’s Wonderland by Nigel Graddon
The Great Architects of Mars by George J. Haas
Mysteries of the Round Towers by Christopher Freelan
The Secret Fire of Alchemy by Kevin B. Turne
At the Borders of the Wondrous & Magical by Claude Lecouteux
Near-Death Experience in Ancient Civilisations by Gregory Shushan


Thank You, Dr Fauci directed by Jenner Furst
The King of UFOs directed by Mark Christopher Lee