Stalking The Herd
Unraveling the Cattle Mutilation Mystery by Christopher O’Brien (paperback)
- Description
The cattle mutilation phenomenon is an ongoing mystery that has endured for almost 50 years. What have we learned, if anything, from the countless reports filed? Who or what is behind the death and disfigurement of livestock around the globe? Are these deaths simply attributable to natural predators and scavengers? Or is the military/government somehow involved, conducting secret projects that—for some reason known only to them—involve the mutilation of hundreds of cattle in an area that includes Colorado Springs, the NORAD command base inside Cheyenne Mountain and the strange little town called Dulce on a small Apache Reservation? Are the deaths the action of ritual “cultists” as police say the evidence would suggest? Is it possible that alien predators are involved, as some researchers and the media have suggested? Are black helicopters or UFOs related to the cattle mutilation phenomenon as many witnesses have claimed? Regardless of who or what is responsible, what are the motivations behind perpetrating what may be the greatest unsolved serial crime spree of all time?
Stalking the Herd addresses these questions in depth and also offers an objective look at the history of our venerated relationship with cattle, the first domesticated livestock.