The Incredible Light Beings of the Cosmos


Are Orbs Intelligent Beings from Another Universe? by Antonia Scott-Clark (paperback)

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Antonia Scott-Clark has been researching the modern “light orb” phenomenon for the past several years and has come to some astonishing conclusions. Possessing a lifelong interest in the mystical and supernatural, she has extensive familiarity with many fields of paranormal study, having taken an interest in a variety of phenomena over the years.

She has experienced orbs for many years, but started photographing them in earnest in the year 2000 when the “Light Beings” entered her life. She took these very seriously and set about privately researching orb occurrences. The incredible results of her findings are presented here, along with many of her spectacular photographs.

With her friend, GoGos lead singer Belinda Carlisle, Antonia tells of her many adventures with orbs. Find the answers to questions such as: Can you see orbs with the naked eye?; Are orbs intelligent?; What are the Black Villages?; What is the connection between orbs and crop circles? Antonia gives detailed instruction on how to photograph orbs, and how to communicate with these Light Beings of the Cosmos.