If you’d like to send a Letter to the Editor, please use our contact form.
The writers’ guidelines that we use for NEXUS Magazine are as follows:
- Before sending in an unsolicited article, please check that we haven’t already covered the same information in earlier issues of the magazine. We receive many unsolicited articles from people who have never read a single thing in NEXUS, and their articles are just a waste of our time.
- All articles should be emailed. Our preferred format is pdf or Word files, with pictures attached as either high resolution jpgs or tiffs. We use QuarkXpress on Mac computers.
- If your submission is an advertorial, i.e. an advertisement trying to pass itself off as an article, then don’t even bother sending it in. Contact our advertising department instead.
- If your submission is nothing more than an opinion based on what you have read, channelled, heard, experienced, then I cannot guarantee that you will even have your submission read, let alone receive a reply. Please send opinions to relevant internet discussion groups, where you will be warmly received.
- Preferred article length is 4,000–5,000 words, including footnotes and references. If your article is longer, we may consider running it over two or more issues (as Part 1, Part 2 etc).
- If we like your article we will contact you to discuss payment and publication details. We normally pay around US$200 per four thousand words, or thereabouts. We do NOT retain ownership of your article, which leaves you free to sell it to other publishers.
- Response time can range from two days to two months, depending on my workload, and whether I can make a quick decision on your submission. Please email to editor@nexusmagazine.com.
Thanks for your interest in NEXUS Magazine.
If you would like to have a book or film considered for review by NEXUS Magazine, please post it to:
NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 307
Maleny QLD 4552